Prices, shipping costs and delivery information

The prices stated on the product pages include VAT and other price components.

Shipping is free for all orders within Germany.

For all orders to a country of the EU we charge a shipping fee of 14,99€

We deliver to over 100 countries. If you would like to find out about the shipping method and shipping charges for another country of delivery, you can contact us at any time
All prices quoted on are inclusive of VAT and plus shipping costs for shipping to a country within the European Union (excluding shipping within Germany, where no additional shipping costs are incurred). If the country of delivery is not a member state of the European Union (so-called “third country”), customs duties and other taxes may be levied. Please clarify this in advance with the office responsible for your country.
The amount of any shipping costs incurred depends on the delivery region and can be viewed at any time at Shipping conditions. The purchase price, including information on VAT and the available shipping methods and their costs, will also be displayed in the “Order details / delivery address” step of the ordering process before you place the order.